Mar 26, 2009 05:33
I <3 Biology.
And I do not know why. I just do. I can't explain it. I think I'm a biology-phile? Maybe a ...biosexual...?
Either way, I never quite realized how much I loved biology until I just now went back to making notes from lecture sheets about the horse' respiratory system. And while at the top of the page it specifically says "Don't pay too much attention to the internal respiration, just get an idea." ....
But I KNOW the structure of the respiratory system front to back in two languages with my eyes closed while whacking a pinata, I know the science behind diffusion between aveoli and the blood, and understand how the permeation with the carpillaries works, I even already know the science of how oxygen molecules glueing themselves to haemoglobine in the bloodstream.... all of which was only lightly touched on in this lecture, making me feel just slightly bored with it because I know all this crap already...!
And then internal respiration comes across, with big bold font on the scanned in pages... and suddenly, there's all these new terms and indepth explanations on how the energy is released and how the body makes up for the loss of andosine triphosphates and what exactly the efficient purpose of the mitochondria is in all this (which I had learned before but never quite put in the grand scheme of things) and I just got sucked into all of it, despite the fact that it was 5:14am and I had said I would not go into the material but would go to bed instead, but I couldn't resist the temptation and started taking a few notes, to help me 'form an idea' and before I knew it I was scribbling away furiously at my notes faster and faster, barely even taking a glance at the lecture sheet anymore just writing away at my own awesome conclusion and as I hit the last full stop, solidly and definitively on the page I knew that with only a little help and guidances from the book I had drawn all these conclusions myself and that it was correct and that I had LEARNED something and that I LOVED it.
.... and I felt superior because of it... It was beautiful. *wipes away a tear*
It was even more beautiful when I then tried to come up with a small concise definition of both external and internal respiration and what my brain came up with was backed up by the big awesome Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary of win and awesome(tm). Almost to the letter exact...!
*deep content sigh* One of those weird days where homework is very... VERY gratifying. I would say better than sex, but I have very little comparative material.
Maybe I should just go on to study biology after all this... >_>
medical dictionary,