omelette roll thingies...

Nov 21, 2008 16:42

So a combination of hunger, boredom, urge to procrastinate on NaNo, and a lack of junk food drove me into attempting to make omelette roll thingies that isabelgou showed me how to make before I left.
Found out half way into the making of them the kitchen lacked certain supplied for it, like bamboo/reet mats, a proper spatula or two, just ot name something.
So I improvised a bit, I was quite amazed by my own improvisation skills. Instead of a spatula i used a butter knife and the weird spatula thing Bexx owned, which wasnot completely unsuccesful though i think I'll goon and add spatula to the grocerie list...

Once into the actual omelete making process I noticed I hadn't stirred properly so it's now a pinto-coloured omelette =D

Aaand the rolling part went a lot better now despite my make-shift butter-knife spatula.... but I got impatient on the second to last roll over and it tore a bit, but oh well, all in all not a bad attempt for a second time. Might try again tonight so Bexx can try 'em too.. ^__^

Then realized I missed the bamboo/reet mat things os I did a mad run around hte house with my awesomely square omelette still on the stove, ooking for something to use asa supstite. Came up with some very flexible cardboard in the box that my chair came out of, that actually bend like a reet mat thing (I thought) then added some cling foil because I don't want desk chair flavor on my omelette =P

Took the thing off the stove, roll it into plastic and it was stil lal lsquare and awesome and then I added hte cardboard nad instantly realized hte flaw in my plan seeing how carboard and bamboo/reet mat thignies are NOTHING alike.... Sooo I now have a very nice ROUND omelette roll thing probably. And it'll still be an igor, but oh well, we'll see what the result is like *grin*

I shall take a picture of it to show my wonderufl Igor creation. /in any case it smells good, so at least my hunger will be gone.

Not to mention the lack of kitchen supplies drove me to doing a good chunk of the idhses that were piling up. We now have CLEAN utensils again and pans/skillets and plates! Oh yes!

Alrighty, time ot go slice my omelette up and see how it did!

Edit: They were pretty good! NExt time have to mix better and a little bit less soy sauce on them but it was yummy.

In zee roll, clearly not round. Had an octagon shape for a moment but it flopped pretty quickly.

All cut up. I'll save you what it looked like before it was cut, let's just say phallic symbolism and the boys cringed a lot when I started slicing.

Shitty close-up!

omnomnom, cooking, kitchen disasters

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