
Nov 06, 2008 18:28

Killed my first australian bug! Huzzah! No idea what it was, anyway, it's dead now.

Did some laundry because the wet towel smell was getting in the way of my NaNo muses, so soon the flooding of the washing machine will be nothing but a distant memory once I go and attack the bathroom floor with a bleach like substance. *channels Daniel* Werewolves need not complain of the smell of bleach because I will beat them with it.
Still need to do a few more loads of laundry before that though...
I'm considering keeping up this whole house-wifey feel for a moment and cook us some dinner but I've discovered i'm missing a few vital ingredients for most meals. I'm obviously still getting used to not having a store at walking distance, need to make grocerie lists now and not do it from the top of my brain. Or become more adequate at knowing what I might need in the near future...

As for NaNo, I'm slooowly creeping back up on the word count. Almost ALMOST at 8K now... need 10K by the end of the day. I can bloody well do this! *puts on srs bizniz face*

Unless I do decide ot make idnner in which case I shall have to postpone my hardcore writing until later this evening after my darling husband roommate comes home from work.

clean up, bugs, australia, nanowrimo

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