
Aug 28, 2008 12:38

Failed driving exam for the most ridiculous reason ever...

So to explain to people not from around my parts... city I livei n has some wonderful narrows streets which in any sane country would be either one way streets or cycling lanes... not her,e here it's a two way street where you can also park on both sides. They put in speed bumps to slow idiots down...

So as I cruise along those streets, I'm just being a good drive,r sticking ot the speed, in my opinion nicely on the middle side of the road with enough room for oncoming traffic and enough room betwene me and the parked cars. I'm doing 25km/h or so in a 30km/h zone... no problem since I'm approaching a speed bump anyway...

All is going just dandy when some FUCKER from the 'woningstichting' decides to suddenly, without any indication (no blinkers or nothing) to just start his car and immediatly swerve onto the road fomr his parking spot, onto my lane. Nevermind the fact that there's MY car way too close to EVER cut infront of. So as I'm responding (because there was half a dozen cyclists arund me too) the examinator immediatly went into a fit of "WATCH OUT! D*" And jerked the wheel around...

So, I figure it would be my mistake since clearly the fucker in the van wasn't paying attention and not me...

We drive on, there's a curve in the road.. I'm doing 50km/h as I'm allowed... I looksideways in the overdramatic theatrical fashion they want me to, so the curve to the left gets a bit big.. no big dea, but there happens ot be a car parked on that side of the road too, so I get a bit cose. NOt even ridiculously so, just a bit and as I go to correct it, examinator dude again jerks the wheel around in a fit of "WATCH OUT! D8"

So maybe that last one was my bad, but now he flunked me merely because I got to close ot the parked cars on my right... according to him.

Other than that I drove just spiffy and all went well, I even managed to park the car twice without killing anyone and while keeping the car in tact...

UGH! I'm so annoooooyed. I've neer had that problem of driving too much on the right.. well yeah.. the first time driving but after that, never...! It's jsut so stupid and I insist the first time I wasn't even too close t othe car, the fucktardi n the van just wasn't awake yet!


But yeah... I failed... going ot do the test again probably in october since i said I wouldn't be available all of september. Then I'll get a few lessons to freshen up (since technically there was nothing wrong with my driving.. just... unfortunate turn of events...) and do it again and hopefully be more lucky then... bugh...

Now my brain can't figure out wheter it wants to pass out and sleep off my crabbyness or if it just wants to start pounding with a fierce head ache bordering on migraine...

As a silver linign dad was nice enough to offer ot pay for the second exam. Since he agree with me it was a bit stupid to fail me on something like that... Not like I stuck too close ot the right side on a 5 lane high way or something... it's a friggin' narrow road..!

license, fail, urgh, drama, one of those days, asshattery, exams, blegh

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