Worthy of an LJ post...

Feb 21, 2008 12:14

(12:10:30 PM) sophie: ...why do people come to me with relationship problems? >.>
(12:10:39 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: I don't know...
(12:10:41 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: they do that with me too
(12:10:45 PM) sophie: it's weird :S
(12:10:53 PM) sophie: because how the hell am i supposed to help? XP
(12:11:03 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: you don't have a relationship so you must be wiser than them
(12:11:09 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: because you're smart enough not to get involved
(12:11:20 PM) sophie: haha
(12:11:28 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: I now have an excuse... "Don't ask me.. I was recently told I have the sexuality of a doormat..."
(12:11:36 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: it usually works ot divert their relationship problems
(12:11:54 PM) sophie: *pet*
(12:12:17 PM) sophie: i'm still unsure whether you were bothered by 
isabelgousaying that, or just amused
(12:12:45 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: I'm still unsure myself
(12:13:11 PM) sophie: well, if it's any consolation... doormats are very useful
(12:13:21 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: ....not sexually...!
(12:13:24 PM) sophie: and they're nice, too... i mean, how many other household objects say "welcome" so often?
(12:13:28 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: I don't WANT them to be sexually useful!!
(12:13:57 PM) sophie: that is a good point
(12:14:07 PM) sophie: i was talking mroe about doormats in general though :P
(12:14:10 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: anyway.... how's the weather over at your place... >.>
(12:14:19 PM) [ SR ] [ Character Glossary Extraordinair ]: let's not .. get into this any deeper... XD

chatlog, doormat, lol, randomness

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