Mar 24, 2006 02:13
nothing since 02/ 01?
Me and Jenn were psyched to see Aerosmith... we paid about 100 bucks each for the tickets...
bam, the concert is cancelled. And right now, I feel like slapping the band or whoever is responsible upside their heads. Good side to this, we get refunded. We never paid that much for a concert, but we thought, hell to see Aerosmith once in our lives, let's go for it. I am really upset about this one right now.
Ken and I have had a few talks recently. Shit has happened, once again I forgive.
Trying to turn things around. Otherwise, he doesn't see a future with me.
And so, I have been working on my resume, and will hand it out hopefully this weekend.
Jenn and Mike have been awesome, giving me plenty of help with the job search.
I have never been one to be independant, mostly due to things I can't change.
But anyways. I am trying for part-time. That way I don't get overloaded with my first (paying) job.
It's been 4 years. I need to take it easy.
I hope to get up to full time.
Nothing much else...
It's late, I'm tired, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better-than-average day.