i have treats to nibble on.
candles going.
just watched jack + coffee from will & grace.
as well as a few happy/silly lure fanvids.
i think i'm okay to start the next episode...
i think.
let me share jack + coffee first.
it's guaranteed to make you smile.
Click to view
mmm. lure.. <3
mmm noah-who vids xD
alright... let's give this a try!
oh opening =]
thank you for making me smile.
even if i know it's about to go away.
they so want us to think this is michael's funeral.
but i know it can't be.
or if it is, it's a dream.
so who is it?
brian/deb.. kills me every time.
it's a dream! lol.
brian sees himself. oh boy.
just what we feared.
someone planted a bomb.
people make me SICK.
oh brian. don't ask that >.<
four dead... sixty-seven wounded... eleven critical...
teddy. stop moving. just stop.
go with brian to the hospital.
oh emmett.
omg the doctor.
please. good news.
cautiously optimistic...
you think he'll be fine..
omg. thank you god...
"better listen to what she says. god did." =]
ahh! mel & linds! together! again! YAY!
omg dusty.
they're calling dusty.
they wouldn't mention her like that,
or call her,
if something wasn't wrong..
she was in the club..
omg please no =[
i said in the last one!
"where's dusty?"!
i just KNEW IT!
*prays to god she is wrong*
omg no... ='[
now i'm bawling.
my god, i want to smack you.
please, just STOP. >.<
you're trying to ignore this.
you don't wanna face it. i know.
but please... just stop =[
brian. smack him for me. please.
omg ben.. why are you at school?!
you should be home! or at the hospital!
oh no you didn't child.
you just told... Ben Bruckner,
that he "doesn't get it"
because he's just a teacher?
"you live in a bubble. nothing can touch you."
oh honey..
"my partner... my husband, was critically injured in the bombing last night. he nearly died." well that shut them up. "if i live in a bubble, it just burst."
oh ben...
emmett and his movies...
drew! <3
hey sweetie.. help your baby.
he needs you right now.
AH! DREW! <3 he's going to speak at the vigil!
oh drew, <3 *hugs & kisses* thank you, thank you!
emmett.. please, baby. you should be there.
stop hiding =[
they are all breaking my hearts
"be right back, brown eyes" aww!
OMG HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*bawls again*
is he SERIOUS?
omfg is brian being SERIOUS?!
lol brian.
you can't blame justin for laughing,
for not believing you.
he isn't asking because he's freaked out about what happened to michael, baby...
he's asking because he thought he lost you again.
"not without you"
oh brian.
LOL hunter went to disneyworld?! xD
haha go kiddo!
xD omg.
oh hunter...
so happy to have you home, baby <3
talk come sense into this boy, carl!
poor em =[ <3
oh carl... <3
i knew brian would do that.
not reopen.
good for you, brian <3
babylon.. gone. it's weird.
"we realized what we lost, before it's too late."
yeah, justin. think about that.
"debbie. she's a fucking inspiration."
"i can tell. she's had a profound influence."
selling the loft?! why?! =[
"i asked him to marry me."
jen spun around so fast!
brian thinks jen is relieved that justin said no.
i think she's upset that he didn't say yes =P
"i'm sorry that i'm not going to be your mother-in-law"
oh drew <333333
(oh teddy.. what are you doing?)
(emmett! oh thank god <3)
"i guess that they forgot that america belongs to everyone."
amazing line <3
oh my fucking god.
are you fucking KIDDING ME?!
one of those heartless assholes is there?!
telling them michael should have DIED?!
i would have smacked him.
i swear to god, if i had been near him.. i would have hit him so hard. screw it.
i just.. i honestly cannot wrap my head around such hatred.
i don't care if violence isn't the answer.
you just said that his HUSBAND deserves to DIE.
therefore, you "good sir", deserve to be PUNCHED.
(sorry. i'm a passifist, truly. but this.. this just gets to me...)
oh ted... please >.<
(Go Emmett! xD)
Ben.. Ben, please, stop it! =[
oh no >.<
oh teddy. =[ i didn't even think about him blaming himself. oh baby <3
i kinda like this guy. lol.
oh ben =[
Zen Ben! xD lol.
i was told brian called him that,
but never heard it. been waiting for it xD tahaha.
ben & brian. i love this scene. <3
"i do know that your husband would be damn proud of you."
brian is right, ben. =] he would be proud.
brian. you love michael. he loves you. don't give up on him.
... hunter, no! you can't go back! you have to stay here!
you're gonna break your dads' hearts again =[
oh hunter. of COURSE they want you to stay <3
they love you. we all love you. oh so much. <3
drew & emmett are so damn cute.
dusty's funeral =[ too sad.
oh mel =[ you can't give up hope <333
this is so sad, but makes such a good point.
that some gay people don't even want to live in this country,
this country that is supposed to be the land of the free,
the one place in the world that is supposed to accept everyone, as they are.
and they want to leave, because we appear so hateful to them.
that just kills me.
"i'm glad my superhero is coming home."
HUNTER. of COURSE you can come home! =D
??? where are you guys going??
west virginia? what?
omg you're buying this house for you & justin.
aren't you, brian? YOU SO ARE OMG!!!! *flails*
"who lives here?"
please say 'we' not 'i', please say 'we' not 'i'!
"WE DO!" YESSS!!!!
"i am without doubt the worst candidate for marriage alive." lol "but, conversely, that's also the reason that i'm the best candidate." oh really?
"i finally thought of one good reason to do it." !!! "to prove to the person that i love how much i love him, that i would give him anything, that i would do anything, that i'd be anything to make him happy."
"you bought this palace..."
"it's for my prince." AWW
lol the cheese xD! doesn't suit you brian,
but it's so cute that you're doing it anyway!
ahhh watch as it dawns on justin that brian is being serious!!! omg!
"say it."
"yes what?"
"yes. yes, i will marry you. i will marry you!"
oh brian <3
(that house is GORGEOUS btw!)
all i can say is -- FINALLY! i knew it was coming xD but it's so nice to have it happen =D