Feb 19, 2010 16:27
Internet has been down since the 3rd Day of CNY .
Right now I'm doing a direct connection to laptop. (Not gonna last long)
So juz to tell I'm still very much alive and bored to death.
Yesterday accompanied my Mom to the Bagan Hospital for check-up. Turns out nothing to be concerned of since she was complaining of lumps.
Just need to have regular yearly check-up just for precautions.
Ate my fill at Gary's steamboat party. Lets just say alot of people didn't show up which was kinda sad but we still had fun. (Despite the Jam at Kek Lok Si....)
Durarara ep 7 is much <3 <3 <3 XD
And the next ep's gonna be cute haha.
Techie guys might/gonna come later. Hope to have my wireless back today (sighs)