Assorted links!
From cuteoverload:
Video of someone playing with a ktten. Volume up, you can hear it purring, especially towards the end.Ultimate cat-on-rack? Also, ow, if that kitten gets unhappy there.
So we've got all this nuclear waste that's still going to be dangerous in 10,000 years, which is longer than any civilization has lasted so far.
Interesting article about how to warn people away from it in The Future. ITALIAN UNICORN deer. Not kidding. Morgan, I expect you to find this and frolic with it.
And from that old dodgy-news-standby, the BBC:
Romanian village elects dead mayor. Not sure how this compares to dead voters back in the day, but, uh.
Actual snail mail. With real snails. I am not making this up.
Space cameras to monitor forests. Not actually funny except for the SPACE CAMERAS part, but pretty cool nonetheless.
Not sure how I feel about this one, but it's definitely interesting.
Scans see 'gay brain differences'. Basically they're saying that there are similarities between the brains of gay men & straight women, and between gay women & straight men. Which seems reasonable, except I really want more information about what they get for people who identify as any degree of bisexual... On the one hand, this sort of thing is good ammunition against the whackos who think gay people can be "cured", although I kind of doubt those types will really listen to science anyway. On the other hand, it seems to be reinforcing the idea of sexuality as a switch with only two options, which is just not true. ...For that matter, I wonder what they get for asexuals.