
Jun 17, 2009 05:51

Gosh!!~ I really pissed off that some people just keep posting controversial stuff in KAT-TUN Love.. Come on, its already been discussed and why should they bring the matter over and over again!!~ (you know what i mean, yes, its about Mr.Brain ratings which Kame guess starred in it)..

I still dont think Kame is the reason for the drama dropped rating in episode 3!!~ So, whoever disagrees with me should just shut up and go f**kin'* somewhere else..

Thats not the only reason why i'm ranting here, which i've never done before cause i prefer to just watch and keep silent, but today, i find it is really annoying that some fans just posting random stuff that is irrelevant.. If you have no emotionally good stuff to post, if you are not sure about anything you want to post, then just dont!!~ Really annoyed me!!~

Ok.. so now i'm getting to no point so lets just stop here..   *uuurrrghhh*


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