So yesterday .. i went to sams hizousze widd .. kristen tommy tom and chelsea . Wen I got there,every1 was already there =\ ehk oh well lol .. And sam pretended I couldnt come lol , then I came down with a drink for tommy lol !! .. Heh .. They were all depressed thinking I couldnt come lmfao !! .. Tom and tom played AIR HOCKEY.. And - "quarterback ass attack" - (( as tom would say it lol. )) Well we played this game were , we hid the footballs from the toms lol... then tom had hair in his drink lmfao! We put it in there ! Lol , and put the rest in tommys drink lmfao!! And lol we all were laying on sams
air hockey table lol !! And then me & krissy WERE UP AGAINST THE WALL!!!! lol , and the game with no footballs for toms lol , krissy , sam and chel all jumped on me cuz I had the balls behind my back lmfao!! , and the toms tryed getting them , and they didnt, but they lifted up the couch , LMFAO! , lol and tommy kept getting hurt ! Awws!! .. Well he kept hitting us with the pillows , lol!! then tom and tommy not loving me and krissy !! we would cry and they would come running..hehe =] ... .then everyone went to go write on the white bored .so then everyone left..except tom and krissy and tommy come and say "ok we knew it!! you two were making out" then they just ran away.. lol but we WERENT MAKING OUT !! No no no , tommy is mine , and tom is krissys =] get it, got it , good !... lol then we ate pizza, and sams dog attacked krissy lol..then .. We all went downstairs ...
and we turned off the lights..who knows then like we started singing!!..toms sang like this.." YO YO YO YO YO YO"..lmao!!. wow it was soo funny , and we were all singing karaoke .. Lol wow soo funny !! Then lol we all were chylling on the coach , I was with tommy , and krissy was with tom =] .. Heh , and we were watching tv, and SAMS LOVER CAME ON!! (( STEPHEN!! )) lol and then asked chelsea if she could hit the celing..with her foot..and she tried but didnt hit sam comes..and tries and doesnt hit it and falls down right on her ass!!..lmao!! And then we sang karaoke agen !! Lol .. RAP BATTLE to FITTY and BRITTNEY SPEARS and and JA RULE. Hahah !! Wow it was soo funny !! Haha soo crazy!! Then lol , sam said .. Leave me alone I wanna hufmp LMFAO AND WERE LIKE SAM !! YOU WANNA HUMP!! ?? LMFAO!! Wow that was soo fucking funny !! Hah ! .. Wow then tom and tom left at 9:30 =[ ,, heh I tied toms shoes lmfao !! Lol, and we blew them kisses while they were leaving ,, then me chel sam and krissy... heh fun fun fun .. Then krissy left =[ .. Then me chel and sam went to chelseas house and slept there , lol this morning !! Cla danced for us lmfao and sang to us , and tried to make me dance with her lmfao ! Well the rest of the day was pretty boring , lol but yea ... guys yesterday was amazing !! .. Love you guys <3 bffl * !! <3 dawn .. I love you tommy <3