May 13, 2008 18:43
1. High humidity combined with an upper respiratory infection makes for an extremely low-energy Captain Sharpe.
1a. Sticking it out and surviving Saturday made the glorious weather on Sunday feel like a very nice reward
2. (Remembered from last week) Always have a trinket on hand when helping out at Kid Whacking. They are great for distracting upset little ones and hearing a little piping teary voice say incredulously "I can KEEP it?" will bring smiles to all in earshot, and make the Daddy in me very happy.
3. I need to start carrying a notebook with me. There are too many things that I am forgetting, including to whom I am promised for Spangoletta. I feel terrible at having overbooked myself TWICE now. My apologies, ladies. It won't happen again.
4. Running in the sand the entire lengthe of the lists to bring a stretcher to a corpse during joust is for younger folk. I really am getting too old for that kind of silliness.
5. The core group of Royal Guard playtrons has expanded very nicely, and they are incredibly dedicated, helpful and reliable. The fact that many are now electing to carry the halberds in such events as Chess Match, Royal Luncheon, and Royal Joust makes me happy. Nothing says "Royal Guard" better than a nice, shiny, pointy halberd.
6. Allergies and illness really take a toll on my announcing voice. I'll be very glad to get back to my normal volume level.
7. Merely by wearing Scarlets with confidence and having the formidable Cmdr. Lewys at my side, one can communicate effectively - but with excruciating politeness - to a patron that they are making nuisances of themselves and need to go away.
7a. I am pleased that my "creep alarm" is in tune with Magnus Krane's - it tells me that I'm not overreacting.
7b. Sadly, it seems that the number of cretins attending our faire is higher than usual this year - or maybe I'm just more aware of them. Either way there are 5 stalker-types that we're keeping our eyes on. Ladies, please feel free to seek out any Guard officer if you feel uncomfortable in any way. At the very least we can have a pleasant chat until the offender gets bored and goes away.
8. Being out in public doing a bit with Sir Dougal is - at the same time - intimidating and tremendously reassuring. Always fun, though!
9. A shield that cannot be firmly strapped down to one's arm should not be used in stage combat. This one's tasted blood too many times now, so I'm going back to the smaller but easier-to-control one. On the other hand, Sergei looked DAMN intimidating with that scar on his temple.
10. The poppets are amazing. Paddy's damn near made me pee my breeches laughing. If I had some place to carry one, I'd love to have one made for Sharpe.
10a. Actually, having thought about it, I think Sharpe IS a poppet for several members of the cast . THAT explains the lipstick on my bald spot, "screw with Sharpe" day, "Sharpe, we're booooooooored", "Oh, Shaaaaarpie....", mugs being swiped off my belt, "Sharpe - You're FIRED", etc. etc. Love it.