(un)recently taken photographs (from 2006/2007)
Last weekend we wandered through our village's forest... and I caught some pretty landscape, plants and animals on the way with my (Dad's) digicam.
Doesn't that look tasty? Well, it smells good... but you cannnot eat it... it's tree resin (in case you were wondering).
Zooming in... even more delicious....
Gotcha, bunny!
Beech leaves in the sun...
Podgy tree trunk (bottom). I like it.
An Orange Tip - that's the name of the butterfly! (German: Aurorafalter; or: Anthocharis cardamines)
Meadow (plus pond) of Kingcup/Marsh Marigold (German: Sumpfdotterblume; or: Caltha palustris
One frog... two frogs... right?
A brimstone on a dandelion ... another butterlfy (German: Zitronenfalter; or: Gonepteryx rhamni
Meadows of dandelion (German: Löwenzahn; or: Taraxacum
Look at it! .........It's not just stones and water. Look closer! ... If you can'r see anything yet, scroll to the next pic or clean-clear your glasses first ;)
So, do you see (now)?
There's a trout! Speckled with black.
Those were ca. 3 cm in length and 3 mm in girth (from the middle to the head)! Tiny.
Our Seminar Building with Administration Building being destroyed. (at March's end 2007)
When I was in the Zoo Leipzig last year in...uhm... March, I guess.
One turtle, two turtles, three turtles in a row...
A bird in the tropical building
A Timon! Love these guys... Can I get one?
I don't know how this guy's called... but he(or she) is cute.
A magnolia (somewhere in Leipzig 2006). Just Beautiful.
Summer holidays in Brandenburg (July/August 2006)... well, the sand sculptures were at the East Sea (Lübeck/Travemünde).
One of my favourites...
That represented the Chinese National Circus.
A, of course, contrived picture of my parents (left and middle position) and Mom's grand cousin (right) from Switzerland.
Birthday-gift-transfer from Jimmy and me to Saddam (2006). It was a papyrus scroll which took a long journey before it got to him... reminding everyone of the
entry holding the story.
Spring (2006). Meadow with Fire Blooms, Forget-Me-Nots (background) and some cotton-like other plants.
So-called "Witch Fire" (April 30th 2006)... like Walpurgis Night or bonfire at Easter Sunday.
On the left bench my friends (Saddam, Jimmy, Marleen). On top of the photo are Saddam's Mum (right), his sister Anja (and her boyfriend rightleft beside her). There's another entry to remember
PS: links will be en-deaded later.