Score! You can totally find out where your favorite
Ben & Jerry's flavor is sold.
Today has been strange. I woke up to an irate email from Kory's step mom, who was tired of trying to get Kory to do his homework. While I feel for her, I didn't know she was doing that in the first place. Second, she also sent the email to Kory's teacher, which I did not appreciate. She basically told her that I did not have time for Kory to do homework at our house. Bull, there is always time for homework. Evidentally, that is what Kory told her, so we had a bit of a talk in the car on the way home tonight.
At work this morning the internet was out. We really couldn't do much without the network. Horizon, our catalog system system, was inaccessible, as was our email and the web. I was only able to point people to the right dewey areas when they were looking for information--I have been learning a lot about the dewey decimal system at this library, since I am not as fast with Horizon as I was with CARL. I did get to meet one of the local school librarians and I cut out a lot of tissue paper circles for the Children's Halloween Party. I went home early, as I was feeling a little achy and headachy, but I think it was/is allergies.
Our weekend is going to be uneventful (I hope) except for going to Urs's on Sunday.