Jan 08, 2014 11:06
1. I am attempting to bake bacon and coddle eggs for breakfast. Both are taking longer than they should, but if we can figure out the timing this is a really great way to do breakfast mostly unattended.
2. Dexter has been wearing the cone of shame for a couple of weeks. Poor little guy is having trouble with the stairs. He's just a little too short to walk up them, so he jumps, but if he lets his head drop the bottom of the cone catches on the next step and he goes flying backward. It is terrible and hilarious all at once. He goes back to the vet to see if we can take the thing off of him tomorrow.
3. Officially started up the wedding machine today, with the first round of digital notifications going out via facebook. We're still on the fence about digital vs. snail mail invites. So freaking expensive to print and mail everything, so we may just do email via paperless post and snail mail the confirmations and zoo tickets.