Apr 14, 2013 18:41
I could really use another weekend. I spent all last week pushing through what I thought was bad allergies (sore throat, runny nose, but no major congestion), and assuming that Claritin was failing me. Bob was in worse shape, but hates taking meds of any kind. Finally on Friday he got so bad that he couldn't drink without wincing, so I gave him a vicodin and made him promise to go to urgent care on Saturday morning. Which he did. Strep throat. So I went later in the day and while I'm still sick as a dog, I don't have the antibodies, per the test. Dr. thinks I kicked it myself and my body is just mopping up the damage. She did a second culture and sent it to the lab just in case, since the in-office test they use is only 90% accurate. I should know tomorrow, and if I have it per the lab test, I'll start antibiotics tomorrow. If I've got something else the lab test will find it. In the mean time she told me to take Sudafed to make sure everything stays clear. I know I'm sick because even on the max dose I've slept almost all day yesterday and today.
I am too busy to be sick. I really can't be sick tomorrow, I've got a bunch of contracts to do for work, and I have to finish the paperwork for my taxes. It's done, I just haven't actually filed it with the accountant who does the e-file thing for me once I've paid her bill. Maybe I'll just sign everything and shove it under the office door in the morning.
In other news, my knee is falling apart. I'm pretty sure it's because I haven't been able to get any exercise beyond climbing stairs in the house in the last couple of weeks because Bob's folks were here and then I've been sick. Either way, it's in bad shape. I asked the doc for a referral to physical therapy when I was in yesterday and she said she'd start the paperwork tomorrow. So I'll add that to the pile of things I have to do (and want to do) but don't have time for.