
(no subject)

Dec 16, 2012 11:52

Here's what I really want to say to every single person who refuses to entertain the idea that we should regulate access to guns in this country - Next time, I hope it's your kid.

Truly, deeply, from the bottom of my soul.  I hope it happens to your loved one.

Because it doesn't have to happen to anybody.  It should never happen to anyone.  But it will happen again if we don't take action as a society to stop it.

So, since it's going to happen, I hope it's your kid, your sister, your brother, your spouse.  Your parents. Yours.   Your kid who dies screaming, terrified, in pain, watching the carnage around them, without you to hold them.  Your adult daughter shot in the face while trying to hide other innocents.  I hope it happens to you, and that you live with that nightmare every fucking day for the rest of your freedom loving life.

I don't hate your kid.  I don't hate you.  I don't want anybody to die.    You support this ridiculous hole in our safety regulations, I hope you pay the price, because somebody is going to pay it again. 
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