My Radio Voice

Apr 29, 2011 08:42

I am sitting in for the afternoon co-host on the Little Queer Radio Station That Could. She is off to Montreal to a Roller Derby tournament, and the main host is one of my best friends at the station, so they asked me to take her place for the day. I think they are also sneakily trying to get more lesbians on air without actually hiring anyone new, but whatever.

I'm scared shitless. It's gonna be a disaster.

So if you're interested and near a computer this afternoon, you can listen to my trainwreck on (the listen live link) between 3 and 7 EST. But mostly I am telling you this because I need someone to wish me good luck. Please...?

Oh, and we'll be airing the short version of the k.d. lang interview somewhere in there, too, but the longer version will be available on our website at some point. I just hate directing people to the website because it is like asking you to wade through electronic rainbow barf. I keep talking to them about usability and they keep shrugging their shoulders and letting the rainbow vomit. I will probably link it to the Accidental VIP post I plan to do about the interview tomorrow anyway.

Wish me luck!

radio, work

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