...Although my computer barely survived. I don't know what it is about me and disk drives, they just don't seem to last very long (two years, give or take) without major failures happening all over the place. Last Saturday I shut it down to take it to
my country manor without stables but with a pool in Celorico (where I've been going to quite a lot this Summer) and when I turned it on again windows crashed on me. So when I got home again, I had work to do. Man, I had forgotten how much crap I had saved over the years. It took forever to get it somehow organized and I still have a lot to do.
I'm going back to Celorico tonight and I'll be back next Tuesday or something like that - the wonders of having two houses. All that is missing there is Internet access. Someday, someday. I haven't felt much like doing anything here. The heath is starting to get to me and being in Porto is becoming unbearable. I'm hoping to find inspiration and will to make icons there. And I have to watch Supernatural 3x16. Can't find courage to do that. It's been sitting on my hard drive since it aired and I just can't bring myself to watch it since I know what's going to happen.
Anyway, I survived college! I finally graduated and can move on to greener pastures! Although I haven't had any news on my internship yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one. I really want to translate for a publishing company.
On other news, I went to Pride on July 12! I couldn't make my obligatory news post about the event since I left for Celorico right away, but I can't let the event pass without a mention of some sort. This year I had so much much fun! Third time's the charm, I suppose. I got to help carry the BIG LGBT flag and even though it was very tiring, running back and forth with it, there were some very special moments that I'll never forget.