The Superman Movieverse Pairings Challenge!

May 02, 2010 00:05

As a side project that grew off of the idea behind 15pairings, anissa7118 and I present to you The Superman Movieverse Pairings Challenge!

The Particulars:

No claims, no pairing or prompt exclusivity, just pick pairings and up to 5 prompts per ficlet or graphic.

All ficlets/graphics must revolve around the Superman Movieverse, STM through Superman Returns (no Supergirl; no crossovers with other DCU media!). All ficlets/graphics must include one pairing or threesome from the list. It doesn't have to specifically be a romantic pairing, doesn't even have to be smutty. Anything from a one-sided crush to a peck on the cheek to an Oedipal/Electra complex to PWP to non-con will be accepted!

All ficlets must be between 100 and 2,000 words. Graphics should at least be a 100x100 square. All ratings and genres accepted. Warn where needed.

Comment to this post in my journal with a link to your ficlet(s)/graphic(s), and the pairing(s) you wrote/drew/manipped/iconned will be crossed off the list as having been completed. That doesn't mean no one else can write or make graphics for that pairing, though! We're just trying to get as many pairings done as possible, and keep track of our collective progress.

Code is given below the pairings and prompts tables so you can post them to your own journal (or wherever) to keep track of the pairings/prompts you've written/made graphics for, because...

The challenge will close when all the pairings have been done at least once! Seven challenge winners will be declared according to the following criteria:

*Most different pairings written/etc
*Most non-Clark pairings written/etc
*Most non-Clois Clark pairings written/etc
*Most different prompts written/etc
*Most threesomes written/etc
*Wrote/etc the last pairing to be crossed off the list
*Wrote/etc the most pairings that didn't even make it to the pairing list (Yes, there are pairings/threesomes that didn't make the list! We dare you to find and write/etc them!)

Challenge winners will be gifted with some sort of prize, to be determined. :D

Pairings and prompts can be found in the challenge post on my journal.


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