Catching up with some older posts...nice photos and someone knew where to stand to take capture the grand approach. ;)
S (for whom I am not responsible) has a few questions: were you misinformed about the weather? You appear to be dressed for a cold snap compared to those around you. Secondly she wants to know whether you cycled the full 63 mile course (the internet is a terrible tool for the very nosey). Lastly how did you get on this year?
Wow! Wow! and Nah!halfofoneJune 10 2007, 16:51:08 UTC
That is seriously impressive cycling! I look askance at 50 miles. 400K is just gob-smacking. You are definitely let off the hook for doing 'only' 40m!!!
Re the Hastings Half Marathon: You might like to consider Caroline Allen's result at 2:42:23 crossing the line (2:38:34 adjusted by automatic chip timer) This was a lot slower than my previous 'best' of 2:17. Not exactly stellar I know. S did it in about 2:01 two years previous but she keeps getting injuries. I'm going to have a go at another one in October and try and do a little better.
One last Wow! SMG totally owns the flying nun award.
Re: Wow! Wow! and Nah!sr_m_grammaticaJune 10 2007, 17:04:30 UTC
Man, you are way too modest. 2:42 is stellar in my book. I can't remember my times in my half-marathons "back in the day," as my students inanely say, but a twelve-minute per mile pace is nothing to sneeze at. 2:01 is nothing short of astonishing, by the way. Atta girl, S!
My city has a half-marathon in October, as well, that I thought for about five seconds of training for. But then I realized I'd have to run 13 miles. Down that way lies burn-out. I have a tendency to get deeply into something then get sick to the death of it. See my above post. :)
Re: Wow! Wow! and Nah!halfofoneJune 10 2007, 18:09:49 UTC
I guess I was disappointed with the result because I had been training at slightly over 11 minute mile pace and hoping to get under 2:25 so it was a bust from that point of view.
Sorry I'm still reeling at the 400k cycle - it would take me a week!!! Susan loves cycling more than running but she has developed a neck problem that makes long distances really painful - she does 30 and 40 mile runs most weekends but she is extremely jealous of your achievements.
Re: Wow! Wow! and Nah!sr_m_grammaticaJune 10 2007, 18:51:51 UTC
Pshaw! A thirty- to forty-mile run (!!!!) puts anything I can do on a bicycle to shame. I have neck problems, too, and too much leaning over a road bike really exacerbates the problem. Tell Susan that if she wants to make riding a bicycle hateful, she should try a 400 km to be finished within a 27-hour time limit, although several randonners make it look easy (and fast). Perhaps she would be in that category. I'm slow, and I slowed down my riding partners. The upshot of the 400 is that there isn't enough time actually to rest, so most people just bust on through the ride to finish it as quickly as possible. In my case, I HAD to continue to ride with short breaks for food and fresh riding shorts (gah) or I would have been disqualified. We were really just one bad mechanical problem away from not finishing in the allotted time. Just as with my running, I never wanted to work very hard at my times. Just finishing is enough for me
( ... )
Re: Wow! Wow! and Nah!sr_m_grammaticaJune 11 2007, 06:06:34 UTC
The thought occurs to me here that by "run" you meant "ride," as in bicycle ride. That makes more sense. Still, that's about the most I do these days at a time. The gives me enough bike time for now.
Re: Wow! Wow! and Nah!halfofoneJune 11 2007, 10:10:22 UTC
You are quite right - You have to allow for the metaphorical shrapnel in my brain. Both words begin with R. My point which I clearly failed to make completely is that poor old S cannot manage more than 40 odd miles on a bike before it becomes too painful. She compensates by running (and I do mean running this time) 10 to 12 miles outings most weekends, several visits to the gym per week and weight training at home. Vacations are occupied with her favourite activity of all - hill-walking. I spend my vacations watching her rapidly receding backside as I steadily lose ground up some vertiginous slope - not a bad hobby now I think about it...she has been stir crazy for several months because of a leg injury and both me and the dog have had to avoid irritably discarded flying dumb-bells.
It has occurred to me once or twice that there is a slight possibility that she is addicted.
Sorry about the confusion - and I still think doing 400k in 23 hours is heroic.
S (for whom I am not responsible) has a few questions: were you misinformed about the weather? You appear to be dressed for a cold snap compared to those around you. Secondly she wants to know whether you cycled the full 63 mile course (the internet is a terrible tool for the very nosey). Lastly how did you get on this year?
Re the Hastings Half Marathon: You might like to consider Caroline Allen's result at 2:42:23 crossing the line (2:38:34 adjusted by automatic chip timer) This was a lot slower than my previous 'best' of 2:17. Not exactly stellar I know. S did it in about 2:01 two years previous but she keeps getting injuries. I'm going to have a go at another one in October and try and do a little better.
One last Wow! SMG totally owns the flying nun award.
My city has a half-marathon in October, as well, that I thought for about five seconds of training for. But then I realized I'd have to run 13 miles. Down that way lies burn-out. I have a tendency to get deeply into something then get sick to the death of it. See my above post. :)
Nice time, Caro.
Sorry I'm still reeling at the 400k cycle - it would take me a week!!! Susan loves cycling more than running but she has developed a neck problem that makes long distances really painful - she does 30 and 40 mile runs most weekends but she is extremely jealous of your achievements.
It has occurred to me once or twice that there is a slight possibility that she is addicted.
Sorry about the confusion - and I still think doing 400k in 23 hours is heroic.
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