Aug 05, 2004 20:36
Hmmm. Today I did absolutely nothing! I didn't have to work and I only left the house once to go to Taco Bell (chalupas are awesome!) I finished my 7 Habits book and I read Elie Weisel's Night for my AP Eng class. It was so good, reminded me of Life is Beautiful. I suppose I should have been more saddened by it but I've read so many books about the Holocaust that I'm kind of numb to it now. I started my goal of developing better study habits today when I took 4 pages of notes on Night (that's a lot since its only 110 pages.) And I looked up a few words I didn't know (but they were all in the foreword and not in the actual book) Last year I never studied and only did my homework during Ch.1. I made A's but I didn't learn as much as I could have. I would remember all those geometric formuals now if I had practiced them a little.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for three days so I won't post again till Monday night. I'll miss you guys.
Here's a quote I like by Pearl S. Buck, "Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
-Syd, no longer bitching