Jul 30, 2004 19:38
So I have finally decided to start a live journal. I didn't really want to since the idea of having people read my intermost thoughts just did not seem pleasand and I have nothing interesting to say anyway. However, I desperately want to keep in touch with my friends from AGS and this is a great way to get feedback. I already typed this entry once but when I clicked enter that dreaded message "page cannot be displayed" appeared and my entry was lost forever. My computer is so screwed. I really miss AGS a lot as do most people who went. For me it was really the first time I felt completely accepted by my peers. It's not that I'm all that weird or anything (well actually I am but not many people know that) but I just couldn't seem to find that place where I fit in and could be myself in the blah town of Magnolia. At AGS I almost instantly fit in because everyone was unique and cool. I had no reason to be shy and reserved like I usually am. When I think about it my town mainly consists of people wearing the same clothes, listening to the same music, and talking about the same thing. To them this is what it takes to be popular: abercrombie clothes (which I admit I have bought more than once but only because I liked them), looks, and a nice car. Oh yeah and the ability to get high and/or wasted every weekend. Okay, enough negativity said about my hometown. I just have to remind myself that I only have one more year here. One more year.. One more year... It's sad when the kids at the day-care I work at are more diverse than my high school. Farewell for now. -Syd