It will happen. It'll be great. Here's some ideas I have for it:
- Location: Park Blocks? Would we be allowed to have music and eating and making a mess of biodegradable grain products without permission or a license? This is the first place that came to mind. I'm looking for a place close to downtown that has some space.
- Massive Spaghetti Feed BYOS? Or just make a helluva lot?
- Massive Spaghetti FIGHT As a tribute to the Great Noodley One
- Live Music Ideas? Offers?
- Advertising Put up flyers with the location name and requisites, perhaps pass out the
open letter.
- Open Mic for FSM Poetry!!! All participants are encouraged to contribute.
- Proper FSM Garb! Either Pirate Regalia or FSM tribute (be creative)
- Time of Day/Time of Year?
Please post any other ideas here! I'll update the post accordingly with our brainstorms.