Apr 01, 2005 12:10
bigbearbeanie: hey
pteridacty1: hello
bigbearbeanie: that sux so bad for you guys
pteridacty1: what
bigbearbeanie: didnt anthony tell you
pteridacty1: no!
pteridacty1: what?
bigbearbeanie: shit
pteridacty1: dude!
bigbearbeanie: i guess he didnt want you to know hes grounded for like a month
pteridacty1: why
bigbearbeanie: he didnt want me to tell anyone
pteridacty1: wait wtf!
bigbearbeanie: are you still there
pteridacty1: yea
pteridacty1: wait
pteridacty1: whats going on
bigbearbeanie: hes grounded he just found out this morning
pteridacty1: what happened!
bigbearbeanie: hes embarrassed he doesnt want you to know why
pteridacty1: this is sorta scaring me
bigbearbeanie: will it make you feel better if i tell you why?
pteridacty1: yea
pteridacty1: but
pteridacty1: if he doesnt want me to know iguess dont tell me
bigbearbeanie: dont tell him told you
bigbearbeanie: dont tell him it was me that told you
pteridacty1: uhh ok
pteridacty1: but
pteridacty1: wiat
pteridacty1: if its really big then dont tell me cuase if he doesnt want me to know then i shouldnt know.
bigbearbeanie: its not huge
bigbearbeanie: he got caught jacking off last night
pteridacty1: HAHA
pteridacty1: nice
bigbearbeanie: his mom walked in on him
pteridacty1: hahah that sucks
bigbearbeanie: now hes grounded for like a month
pteridacty1: that rreeeally sucks
bigbearbeanie: yeah i know
pteridacty1: wow. i cant help but laugh... thats so awkward
bigbearbeanie: i know
pteridacty1: omg HGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
bigbearbeanie: he had his dick in a bowl of oatmeal
bigbearbeanie: his mom got so pissed
pteridacty1: ok ok stop it hurts
pteridacty1: thats SO embaressing
pteridacty1: like that his mom saw
pteridacty1: oh my god
bigbearbeanie: yeah
bigbearbeanie: aaaaaaahhhahhahahhahahhhh
bigbearbeanie: april fools
pteridacty1: thats like the most awkward thing i have ever herd
pteridacty1: dude!
bigbearbeanie: my balls are big
pteridacty1: HAHAHAHA
bigbearbeanie: hahahahahhahahhaha
pteridacty1: YOU SO GOT ME!
bigbearbeanie: mmmmmmbaaaallllllsssss
pteridacty1: that was good
pteridacty1: youre good
bigbearbeanie: me and anthony planned it
pteridacty1: hahahahahahaha
bigbearbeanie: yesss