Title: Memory Burn
Pairing: Monk/Stottlemeyer
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~370
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AO3Disclaimer: This is an amateur, not-for-profit work of fiction. No attempt has been made to copyright characters and/or concepts owned by the Monk people, nor is any infringement intended on existing copyrights.
one_traveller came looking for Monk porn and wielding virtual chocolate, so I told her I would post
Dissonance, the porniest fic I had. Which I'm still totally going to do, but Memory Burn is essentially that fic's prologue, so here it is first. Originally posted to AdrianMonkSlash, January, 2005. Thanks to
Summary: Sharing space hadn't been as much of a problem for Adrian lately, at least not with him, but still--this time, it was more. And it was more.
Memory Burn
His last ordinary memory was of standing in Adrian's living room, talking. There were telltale flecks of the extraordinary even in that, though: Adrian's shoulders looser; the corners of his mouth looser when he smiled; his smile--Adrian--looser. And they were in each other's space more than usual. Sharing space hadn't been as much of a problem for Adrian lately, at least not with him, but still--this time, it was more. And it was more.
That was when there was nothing else ordinary to remember.
It was heady and buzzing like deep in the jungle both inside and outside his skin. Leland's breath changed, working, trying to adjust to the new ecology. He looked at Adrian, and Adrian's eyes were shut tight--Adrian was shut, tight.
"Oh, oh God," and now Adrian sounded like a burn victim, thready and cracked, vital tissue dying. "I...I'm sorry," he rasped, and the one tear on his face seemed to give off its own tiny, biting heat.
Leland swung his hands forward and caught Adrian's gently, and they were blazing and wet; but he squeezed them repeatedly anyway, wanting to create something better.
"Monk--Adrian--no, no. Shh. Hey, look, I--I'm right there with you. Everything's fine, all right? I'm right there with you, come on. I'm right there."
Adrian's head rocked forward and back just a little and his eyelids came open like they were weighted, and the tear melted into the corner of his mouth--"Ah, Jesus," Leland gasped, involuntary, feeling frantic. Get it back, get it back.
"Oh," whispered Adrian, slowly, incredulously. "Oh. Oh." His pupils were dilating. He cleared his throat a bit. "...Oh."
There would be no ordinary memories, not ever again.
"Yeah," said Leland, and he squeezed Adrian's hands, and then he had it back, mostly. "Yeah. Look, we should, uh--we should probably sit down. You want to sit down?"
Adrian's cheeks were changing color, his breath uncertain but heavier: working, working. He rocked his head forward but this time not back, touched his forehead to Leland's collarbone and left it there. Warmth erupted at the site--the movement of Adrian's shoulders roughened, but he did not wince into Leland's skin. He didn't move away.