So I have been asked, both on and off of LiveJournal, about the Greyhound Molestation Incident. Here's the story:
It all started last summer when Maffew and I rode our bikes from Brooklyn to Rochester. Everything went fine and well, but eventually I had to make my way back down to NYC, so I boxed up the Horizon and hopped on the Greyhound.
Details are a bit sketchy, as I was drifting in and out of sleep, but somewhere along the line this pretty respectable-looking middle-aged Indian guy sat next to me. He had a tote bag with the name of some random prescription drug on it, which was probably a free tote bag given out for promotional purposes. I paid him no mind; after all, it's a bus, and people sit next to other people all the time on the bus, and went back to sleep.
Anyway, for some reason or another I drift back out of sleep a while later to discover my neighbor passed out. A couple of minutes later his arm sort of starts drifting, until his hand is on my leg. At this point I have no reason to suspect anything, so I ignore it and drift back into sleep.
A few more minutes pass, and I'm awake again. The hand is still on my leg, though it has moved to a position that is, errmm..., closer than before. At this point I am beginning to get slightly uncomfortable. I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt as his hand continues to wander, but stay awake anyway.
Eventually, his hand is resting, palm up, over my crotch, though not for long, as he manages to flip his wrist "in his sleep" and I find my junk being groped quite shamelessly. It is at this point that I gently nudge his arm away, at which point he gets out of his seat and moves across the aisle, avoiding eye contact. He got out of the bus at the next stop.
Vegan night at Hayden Wednesday night. Bigger turnout than last time, at least at the late hour during which I was able to make it. Saw a lot of the good ol' SEAL gang:
blingblingvegan and
luomo were there of course, as well as Giulia, Koki, and Mo at the outside table, and inside, Blasts-from-the-Past Jen and Lindsey. I sat and ate with Dan and Heidi again (
mistertoad444, apparently, had his own Wednesday night dinner plans?) then afterwards, some good old-fashioned lurking and other general shadiness. I was so shady, they wouldn't let me into Courant, which is weird, because they let everyone into Courant.
Anyway, the night was wrapped up with the perfect ending to any day: riding home on a track bike. I felt like I made a good time - possibly even a contender for record time, though I didn't clock it, so I have no idea. There were a number of needlessly reckless red-light sprints involved, and I danced with the cars a little bit more than usual. It was probably a pretty sweet time.
Halloween costume is ready to be printed. It's eVil. Photos later, probably. For those not in-the-know, here's a clue: it has something to do with a couple of my LJ interests, one of which (mysteriously) is not shared with any other LJ user. (What the hell?)
Did I mention it's eVil?
Upcoming Bicycle-related things I'm looking forward to:
Tonight: Critical Mass
Tomorrow: Meet Mr.
napalmandroses, Finally get the rollers back from Karen
Next weekend: Bike and Eat Build reunion weekend extravaganza
Later: Boston -> New Haven with