... Man! I feel like a lemming...

May 19, 2005 09:28

Re: the whole American Idol thing...

I won't even get into how very very bad Anthony Fedorov was and is and how he was kept on the show for far too long.

I'll barely mention how I don't seem to miss Constantine at all and almost forgot he existed the moment he stepped offstage.

It's barely worth noting that of the "Top 12", I can only name... Mikalah, Constantine, Anwar, Carrie, Bo, Vonzell, Anthony, and Scott.

I'm annoyed by what's going on with the Final Three.

First, and most notably (I suppose) is Bo Bice. Bo rocks, foshizzle. But I also feel like he's inexplicably and needlessly being crammed down my throat. I'd probably like him a lot more if "They" allowed me to do so by choice.

Bo is a good guy. Bo is a regular guy.

Bo is charming. Bo is sexy.

Bo is humble. Bo is sweet.

Bo loves his mama. Bo loves Jesus.

Bo is as clean-cut a version of a dirty hippie as you can get.

Bo is a Good Ol' Boy from Alabama who wears crosses with sunglasses.


I. Get. It. Ok? Bo is immensely likeable and ok fine. I like Bo. There, I've said it. I do like him. I think he's amazing and it's so rare to find someone who can step up and do an Elton John cover and a Rolling Stones cover in one night and do a good-to-great job on both. (Hell, it's even rare to find someone who wouldn't completely embarrass himself in the attempt).

I just really resent that for as long as I can remember on this show (which is this season, since I never got sucked into it before this season), Bo has been their "chosen one". It's so disgustingly, painfully obvious.

This is why, I think, I've sort of been blocking Bo in my mind. It's such a foregone conclusion that he's going to win, that it's just not necessary, not as fun, not as urgent to 'root' for him. It's like rooting for the Yankees or Red Sox when they're playing against Toronto. Barring any unforseen hideous display of black magic and intergalactic catastrophe, The Jays aren't coming out on top.

My favorite has been Vonzell since the first performance when I actually remembered her name. She's got a strong voice, great energy, is not a jerk, and I just... really like her. I'd buy her CD tomorrow if I could.

Carrie? I'd have been ok with a Carrie win mostly because I think she has a good voice and because I have been known in the past to consume a little country music. (Not that I'd ever fill the playlist at Texas Roadhouse with Alan Jackson and Toby Keith or anything). That's all until the miserable, repugnant display of Tuesday Night where Randy betrayed Carrie in the most heinous, unforgivable way possible:

He chose for her to sing a Shania "Festering Whore" Twain song. God, I hate that bitch.

About the only person on the planet I despise more than Shania "Unholy Cipher" Twain is George "Dumbya" Bush.

To saddle Carrie with a song previously sung by that succubus is not only rude and unfair, it subjected me to a torturous two minutes wherein I had to listen to this poor girl warble and yip. It was completely nauseating. I wanted to cry - or at least ram knitting needles into my ears.

Therefore, even if I was planning to be a voting audience member this week (I did vote for Vonzell this past week - which did about as much good as my vote in the Presidential election of 2004), I would not be voting for Carrie now that it's down to her and Bo.

So thanks a lot, American Idol. Fine. You get your way. I'm backing Bo. Hope you're happy - you've broken my spirit.
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