(no subject)

May 16, 2004 21:57

- its seems like everyday is lame and boring, but when i sit down to write about it every night, i guess something inside me makes it seem busy and fun, maybe im just looking at it from the wrong perspective.

woke up, sorta, thinking "$%@&!!" i still haven't cleaned my room and now it smells like crap, crap crap crap crap, x a million. Then i looked over at my fish tank, some how, 3 fish are still alive in it, and doing pretty well. Two (maybe male and female, i don't know) of these black tetras, or whatever they're called, and the biggest slimiest, most mothereffing ugly bottom feeder, somewhere on the floor. I hate this fish tank because every night i have to turn it off because the water sucking into the filter, processing all the fish secreations and defecations, and water falling back into the tank is just getting so loud i turn it off. Unfortunately there's this weird problem that all the water that was originally in the filter the night before dries up, or the evil filter leprechaun drinks it, and i have to restart it by refilling more water to kick the motor back into work...all the while it smells like fish crap, i wonder if another one died...i should really take better care of these suckers.

after thinking that, and doing nothing upon that thought, i got up, looked around my messy room and picked up some clothing that would seem appropriate for teaching a class (no i do not mean i have speedos lying around my room, or any for that matter, just causual clothing thats comfortable to go on the swing set) . yea, 99% of the sunday school teachers actually have huge projects for their kids and all this pointless busy work to fill the time in, so i figure, these kids, like i did when i went to sunday school, will throw away the project and probably whine about how they didn't get to go on the playground. Well i get around that, we do some story or whatever, and then play for like an hour, its so much effing fun. the kids love it, and i don't have to do anything!! woo. yea im the best.
but, as it turns out, i only had two kids show today, but their parents took them to the musical in the main church, so that meant i could escape and go buy the Kill Bill soundtrack at Best Buy, ahhh great tunes. yep.

after that, i got home, ate lunch, slept some more, played some games and really didn't get much accomplished except reading into the Grapes. very catchy book. Well, i'll probably get back to whatever i was thinking of doing. Hit me up on aim or email me.

By the way, it seems that some of you liked my review, so i guess i'll put my input in on more movies. Peace
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