Behold! Updates!

Jan 26, 2012 22:08

Alright, LJ! Here is a brief little update for you!

1) British dear and I are no more. (NO WORRIES! ALL IS WELL. :))
2) Granny is FINE! (Surgery was quick and easy. She's recovering now, but things are definitely on the up and up! In a few months she'll have a scan to double check her progress.)

Thank you, everyone, for the well wishes and happy prayers. I really appreciate them!

Sorry I'm a crappy blogger. I'm trying to ease myself away from Facebook and onto here again. I created this journal as a place to have fun creatively, but I have to admit that the more fans join in, the more nervous I get! I have to work on that, I guess. :) I don't know whether to use this blog for real-life events, fandom obsessions, funsy projects, professional mumbo-jumbo, goals, or...a combination!

Here are pictures of my rats until I figure it out:

Lillie Belle stealing treats!


endings, pet love

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