Why Girls should love Bassists more:

Feb 07, 2010 21:58

So, I've always loved playing the bass, since the moment i picked it up almost four years ago. Sure i've picked up a guitar, and fiddled with it, learned a song here or there, even started to write guitar parts for songs, but in no way just because guitarists like to jump around and have a higher pitched string range does that justify people being instantly amazed by guitar, but only taking awe in bassists if we're...well, if we're Flea, from RHCP or if we're playing the Mario theme song on an 11 string ridiculousness.
So, lets start a list:
Why girls should be more attracted to bassists:

1. We have dexterity with both hands, often times with all four fingers and occasionally with thumbs too.

2. We can be soft, slow, and rhytmic, rough and fast, or if you're into it, we can even slap.

3. We don't think we're the center of the universe, on stage or off. We know it's not all about us. (we can focus on you, too)

4. Our hands are made strong, but we know when we have to be soft and gentle.

5. We're a main point of funk music (and you know funk is where it's at)

6. We're ready to go with just our hands. We don't need some weird little tool to help get going.

7. We're used to both of our hands getting used. (if one gets tired, the other is in reserve)

8. We cherish what we have. It's rare, if ever, that you'll see a bassist smash what is supposed to be something prized (our instruments).

9. We make up our own sounds and get what we want from what we have, no pedals necessary. We don't need to plug into anything else to get what we want.

10. We never break up the band because we don't like a color of M&M or a sleeping arrangement. We won't just leave for no good reason.

Lemme know if you think up other stuff. This is just the top ten that i could come up with.

girls, bassists, guitarists, fingers, skill, awesome

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