Aug 11, 2008 16:03
Okay you are all going to be totally sick of hearing about Cody but...just have to say that...HE IS THE CUTEST KID EVER!!!! Okay I am done...not quite...I have to write a few things that he is doing lately that I haven't mentioned and its just so cute...I have to...
Okay so he is trying to say his ABC's and while that is amazing and wonderful (he is only 2) he says it with this beautiful smile on his face and his eyes light right up...ah it melts your heart...
He is getting really good at counting...although I think that he thinks it goes 1, 2, 3, Go...LOL but he is getting the hang of it...OH and he is getting good at identifying Colors too!! I was totally amazed...the grandparents came by and Don said "Can you give me the Blue one..." and Cody gave him the blue one, and then the red one when asked and so on...never missed one!! Amazing!
Last night at dinner he was doing this extremely funny (yet kind of disturbing thing) he would tense right up and make this face…wide eyed and smiling and just start shaking! Its was totally weird, we have seen him do it before, but now its seems like he knows we find it funny (or horrifying ) so he does it for attention…we try not to laugh, but goodness if you could see his face (I think I might try to upload it so you can) you would understand, its just funny.
Everything takes longer now…he wants to do everything! He says “I do it” no matter what it is…its wicked cute, but you kind of to add a few extra minutes to your schedule…but he is so determined to do everything himself.
Yesterday he was on his play set and he was pulling himself up by one of the bars!! Yeah no joke! I don’t know if this is normal or not but I think he is wicked strong!! It is amazing!
He is communicating so much better now, I am really amazed every day when he seems to add a phrase or word to his vocabulary! Its just wonderful to watch, and a little heartbreaking too because he is just growing up so fast already, and I can’t slow down time…
Lets see besides Cody what is going on…oh my sister is making me read Vampire Diaries - let me just say that I HATE VAMPIRES!! They are stupid brooding people!! And I don’t ever want to read another story about them…ever…okay I am totally kidding, this book is just as good as the Twilight ones, just in a different way…where Twilight was aww…tear…this one is I don’t want to say scary, but more intense and less reassuring that all is going to be well…hard to explain…AND big loser that I am, went on Amazon for recommendations (you know if you like….then you will like…well Marked was suggested for both Twilight and Vampire Diaries…great so I will look for that at the library. Jeez…
Anyway that is all for today! J