Jan 11, 2013 14:42
I couldn't let this page from my assigned reading pass without comment here...
From Understanding Popular Science by Peter Brok.
'However, if we do recognize the public creating its own popular science and we do accept it on its own terms, then we have a vision of popular science markedly different from that of science literacy surveys and PUS. This is clearly the case with a particular form of rewriting Star Trek known as 'slash fiction' - a form of pornography written by female fans in which the main characters of the series (Kirk/Spock, or K/S) are reimagined as lovers. For Penley, however, NASA/TREK is the kind of popular science we should aspire to.'
The context of this is that PUS (Public Understanding of Science) is a model of science communication that works by scientists trying to 'improve the public's knowledge deficiency' by telling them facts. This chapter acknowledges this is a poor model and that the public (surprise surprise!) have opinions and agency and aren't just empty vessels waiting to be filled with science.
On reading this passage my first act was to chuckle, and then want to find someone who has written NASA/Trek fiction. I feel sure that there must be some somewhere on the web.