Title: (Don't You Wish You Were A) Fly On the Wall Recipient: shinealightrose Rating: NC-17 Length: 2,957 words Side Pairing(s): N/A Warning(s): [click to open]mild voyeurism Summary: With no explanation, Kyungsoo suddenly begins to zone out and watch the life of a strange man named Minseok through the other's eyes. As he learns more about the stranger, Kyungsoo becomes
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Omgoodness you-you are precious! This is exactly what I was imagining, and I'm sorry for the time crush but it's perfect and I love you!
The visions though! Each snippet, each scene, they are so visual! By the way you write I can imagine them almost as well as Kyungsoo must. I love how it slowly builds, slowly seeing, learning his name etc. Minseok's fav drama is Coffee Prince!!! Yesss! And then of course you blew me away with the "masturbation incident" which was HOT omg! I feel so bad for Soo, trying not to look! But of course I prompted this so of course I wanted him to hahaha! Wait, I'm such an awful person >_< lol
I want to quote this but I'm on my phone and I can barely manage correct punctuation. Suffice it to say this is awesome and you are the best and I love how they meet in the bar and Minseok being flirty and then follow-up smut ... I'm gonna have to go read that again. I was trying not to squeal in the middle of a bookstore where I was completely ignoring real books and reading fanfiction (as always) xDD
Oh I see; I've just realized I never replied to this comment! I really thought I did; I definitely read it!
I'm really glad you liked the little snippets. I love Coffee Prince! You too? No, you're not an awful person hahaha if nothing else just tell yourself that the average adult man has 5-10 erections during waking hours - seeing something like that was inevitable!!
Thank you thank you thank you and I'm so glad you liked it!
Comments 2
The visions though! Each snippet, each scene, they are so visual! By the way you write I can imagine them almost as well as Kyungsoo must. I love how it slowly builds, slowly seeing, learning his name etc. Minseok's fav drama is Coffee Prince!!! Yesss! And then of course you blew me away with the "masturbation incident" which was HOT omg! I feel so bad for Soo, trying not to look! But of course I prompted this so of course I wanted him to hahaha! Wait, I'm such an awful person >_< lol
I want to quote this but I'm on my phone and I can barely manage correct punctuation. Suffice it to say this is awesome and you are the best and I love how they meet in the bar and Minseok being flirty and then follow-up smut ... I'm gonna have to go read that again. I was trying not to squeal in the middle of a bookstore where I was completely ignoring real books and reading fanfiction (as always) xDD
I'm really glad you liked the little snippets. I love Coffee Prince! You too? No, you're not an awful person hahaha if nothing else just tell yourself that the average adult man has 5-10 erections during waking hours - seeing something like that was inevitable!!
Thank you thank you thank you and I'm so glad you liked it!
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