Let's All Laugh at Bad Hair Days!

Dec 15, 2009 04:50

Okay, so I have decided to put up a post of all the wonderfully horrible hairstyles that Johnny's Entertainment boys have had to put up with over the years (with a very biased focus on NewS and KAT-TUN. Gomen to Arashi and the like's fans. Feel free to post pix in the comments!) From experiments with dye to the infamous Johnny's Mullet let's examine the Horror of the Hairstyles.

Lets begin with NewS,

Let's face it...no one looks good in this pic except for Ryo. Lets see how many mullets we can count.... 1...2...5......

------------------Yamashita Tomohisa ------------------

While generally Pichan can get away with alot simply due to the fact that he's Pichan, he exhibits some hairstyles that make you wonder exactly what the stylist was thinking (or drinking) when the atrocity was created.
Exhibit A, the blonde mullet:

Exhibit B, what I have heard being christened as the "alien poodle hair" from the Cherish PV

Exhibit C, WTF???

Exhibit D, a very popular flip style from the 40s/50s...for women. Although I will admit that since it closely resembles the fabulous Kurosagi hair that this hairstyle does redeem itself a little.

although, to change this cut up a little, one could always clip it up:

And to conclude Pichan's section, I give you the Chia-Pet hair:


In Pi's defense, he's much prettier than a Chia Pet with that hair (obviously XD)

------------------Nishikido Ryo------------------

Next, I give you Ryo. Even he himself has had a few bad hair experiences (although I had to dig...)

Exhibit A

LOL, just kidding. Wigs don't technically count XDD

Exhibit A2: fluffy, wavy locks

Exhibit B: everyone with black hair is curious about being blonde it seems. Even Nishikido-kun.

I'm not sure if I would really consider this "bad" or not... I might actually like it if I had some time to get used to it....

Exhibit C: Even Ryo had the Johnny's Mullet...although he didn't look all that bad in it in comparison with nearly everyone else here....

Exhibit D: this is more put in for my amusement at cute little chibi Ryo and his schoolboy haircut

(he's the one on the left. Young Ryo is rather squishable, ne?)

------------------Koyama Keiichiro------------------
Next, lets look at Keichan. I expect this one will be rather short since his hair generally is cut the same and blonde, brown and black tend to all work for him.

Exhibit A: Johnny's mullet

Exhibit B, the early years of NewS....

Yeah, I don't have very many examples of Koyama-kun with bad hair, but never fear! We shall look at Shige's bad hair next!

------------------Kato Shigeaki------------------
Exhibit A: an attempt at blonde. Oh dear.

Exhibit B: the rocker hair, although eventually I did grow fond of it....

Exhibit C: poofy hair from young Shige in 2004

And I'm sure there must be more or KoyaShige, but I'm too lazy to find them on the internet at this time. Perhaps I'll add more later....

------------------Masuda Takahisa------------------
Massu is probably going to be rather hard to find bad pictures of since he was probably born with the pre-rescue hair. Nevertheless, I will now try to find bad hair days of my ichiban...

Exhibit A: woman hair from AiQ

:sigh. It kinda makes me sad that he can be so muscly and make such a pretty woman at the same time.:

Exhibit B: The Mullet

Exhibit C: Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

Exhibit D: experiments with blonde gone awry

although it's really not THAT bad. I just remember the shock factor when it first happened....and wondering if a bucket of bleach fell on his head.....

And finally the one where it looks like the stylist just took large chunks of hair out at random

------------------Tegoshi Yuya------------------

To finish the NewS section, I present Tegoshi, my #3 (sanban??) of JE. I have a feeling that his might be the longest set of examples of NewS.....

He started off with a few memorably bad hairstyles in the beginning such as



It's also around this time that we have one of the Tegoshi spins on the mullet

Lets take a moment to look at the blonde attempts like



(admittedly, I kind of liked all of the blonde ones but the last one....)

Tegoshi also just had bad hair days (i think....) He can even tell us about it:

"Some days, you just can't get that poofy part to lay straight.

And no amount of gel can tame your stubborn locks.

Other days you end up overgelling your hair and end up looking like you have stalactites growing from your head

But never fear, for you can always try to copy Yamapi's Chia Pet Style

because after all, if Pichan wears it that way, it must be cool, ne~!"

(note, not an actual quote, that I know of. Although it would make my day if it was :D)

and that concludes the NewS section of Bad Hair Blues.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

How about a little KAT-TUN?

Nobody really looks good here...except maybe for Jin. and MAAAAAYBE Junno. Although he looks like he's 12.....

Let's begin with Kame shall we (or as I affectionately call him, "Turtle-san" or the Awkward Turtle.
Here we see him cooking before his eyebrows were plucked to a thin line and before he had a permanent mullet.

Alas, it seems that Kame had a little problem with barbed wire...or is that hair?

And here we have his mullet. I'm not really sure he has ever been willing to give up the mullet for any length of time.....

Here we have a blonde, clip back hairstyle

At least those are his shoes and not a bow.... Lets see what it looks like when it's down

Not much better....

Now lets look at the Queen of Pirates era floppy hair

<--freshly straightened

<--curly or frizzy...not sure which

Aaaaaaand, we mustn't forget the RESCUE and One drop hair dos.

Wonderfully grotesque in my professional opinion.

Let's move on to Jin, shall we?
He was so cute and cuddly when he was younger....

Ah, the Bakanishi days.....

And the Jinnifer days

(Note where his hands are...on national TV. Yep, Bakanishi.)

and alas, we must not forget the omnipresent mullet

I swear he just rolled out of bed on this day

and I think that to be in KAT-TUN you had to go through a time when your hair looked like it was actually barbed wire posing as hair.

Try as he may, sometimes bad hair can even thwart JIN in his sexy stare:

...although part of it could also be the scarf.....

Jin and Pichan are good friends. They share everything...even the Chia Pet Hair

Finally, I wish to bring forth his "beard" as evidence for bad (facial) hair

This is what I would deem "peachfuzz." Nice try though.

Next, we'll follow the usual order and go to Junno. Here, Junno had a run in with the bleach bottle I think... and rogain. Or Miracle Grow. Or SOMETHING.

See? Although this one looks like they were trying to turn him into the Mac & Cheese colored crayon....

Here we have the mullet. I think this is one of the few times it didn't work for him--usually he looks good with the shaggy look.

and no matter how much hairspray you use, after a long concert the hair gives up long before the show's over.

For a recent picture, some of the angles that he is shown at in his One Drop hair didn't really look all that swell, although I am a supporter of that particular hair on him in general. The following is merely a bad hair day:


my own screencap from s2anthy 's post here. I ask you, WTF???? The spiky, blonde hair is one thing, but a SPIKED COLLAR??? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN???? NANDE???! WHAT'S GOING ON??? Is he trying to bring back Ueda's old look?? *secretly kinda likes it....*

I'm not sure Koki ever had a bad hair day....from bald to having a head full of hair he usually looks good.
Let me see if I can dig up anything on me jolly ol' computer....
:rummage rummage:

Although to be honest, the hair is decent... that ghost makeup and obvious lipstick however......

At least we can positively say that Koki had a mullet...

Speaking of mullets, I dug up a bad hair style for Koki from the old performance of Andarucia ni Akogarete!!

Yep. Thats Koki. With a blonde mullet. This was the best close up I could get from the video though.

And I finally uncovered a particularly horrible 80s haircut from Koki which looks like the same prankster who doused Masuda Takahisa's Tanabata Matsuri hair in bleach used Koki to practice on.

Here are some notably bad hairstyles I found when looking through all the magazine scans I have:

This one reminds me of the old TV Land show, The Munsters for some reason....

and here he is impersonating a blonde-tipped cactus

and even Koki can't pull of the faux hawk... Although he may have just had an accident with a weed eater....

My bffl, kohimiruku, is of the opinion that Koki should be compensated for the bad hair the magazines subjected him to. I have to say that I'm inclined to agree.

Let's continue with the U in KAT-TUN...

Ah, Tatchan.... Even though he is my niban there is just SO much bad hair to make fun of him over. For instance, lets examine the mullets. (Note the plural....)

Version 1.0, in which he fell over sideways into a vat of bleach.

Version 1.5: the ponytail rendition of version 1.0

Version 2.0, the pure black mullet

Version 3.0: the blonde version

Version 3.5, a curly variation of version 3.0

and finally, Version 4.0, the red hair mullet....I really want to ninja up behind him with scissors and cut off the tips of his hair.....

I am including the blonde, Gackt style hair even though I am quite partial to it. Perhaps I can blame that on my Scandinavian heritage....

And lets all join hands and rofl loudly at a particularly memorable bad hair day from his younger days

Alas, more barbed wire hair

Last and certainly not least, we look at Nakamaru Yuichi's run-ins with horrible hair.

Let's start with the spiky look:

Here, it appears someone attacked him with a curling iron...

And even Maru has had the Johnny's Mullet:

observe Nakamaru trying to hide behind Jin to conceal that hair.

And I feel that this wouldn't be complete without a tribute to the One Drop/Rescue hair

Note: please no flames. This post was made all in good fun and I ridicule their past hairstyles only because I love them. Thank you! Comments are love! <3


kamenashi kazuya, masuda takahisa, kat-tun, nakamaru yuichi, nishikido ryo, tanaka koki, kato shigeaki, junnosuke taguchi, tegoshi yuya, lol, news, rofl, akanishi jin, bad hair, koyama keiichiro, ueda tatsuya, yamashita tomohisa

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