Oct 14, 2005 17:35
so yea my computer has been busted for a while.
and now its working again and i thank jon so much for that.
new job at CVS. im a photo lab tech there
and i hate it
but its good money and good hours
even though i never have time to do any of my school work.
but with the computer i should be able to now.. yay
im seeing an amazing boy.
his name is Jon and i love him to death...
we arent going out yet.
but weve been seeing each other for a month now.
i want to go out with him. even though it already feels like we are.
but blah blah blah.
schools good.
i hate half the classes.
meeting new people is always amazing.
made some great friends along the way.
which i fuckin love.
other than that.
people need to grow up and learn how to get over themselves.
fuckin losers.
im done
the end.