Nov 13, 2008 21:18
Okay. So I haven't really told anyone this, I haven't even thought about it, because I was very sure it was a scam. But I sent in my childrens story to a literary agent, and I got an email back saying they wanted to represent me and my work. So I just kind of skimmed the email and I saw "this isn't an attempt to get your money, every writer needs a critique" so i was like oh great thats how its gonna work. But I read the whole thing and they're not asking me for money. They do want me to get it critiqued, and they will give me a referral for a critique company, but I can use anyone I want. Like, I could even ask someone I know who's edited before and they can do it for free thats fine, they just want me to get one done. So i'm like... maybe it's not a scam?! And I think it might be not... Cause they already have my work, have had it for a week (i made that decision and am okay with whatever comes of it) so its like, if they were stealing my work wouldn't they just steal it already and be done with me?? But like... really. I could really be selling my work. Like, for real. Imagine?! My god...
Whoa. So, I was just feeling like crazy good, and then I heard that germany is officially in a recession, and it's predicted that our economy will be in one next year, and for the first time, it worried me. And I know I need to keep positive thoughts and energy in, so I'm going to vent out the negative, and then forget from there
...a strange thing happened as i wrote that sentance. I said: "no you're not. don't give it any energy. don't validate it as a real possibility by declaring your fears." Wow. I won't go there. I won't touch the fear. It will not enter my psyche. Breathe. In. Out.
That, I think, was a big spiritual break through. I've found it hard to live for manifestation, because I at least have to acknowledge the what ifs. No Longer. I do not live in a world of what if's. I live in a world of what! And I'm not sure what that means, but I think it's wonderful :D.
Everything you're looking for
It's right there. All you have to do..
is ask.