only mine is making an effort to keep in touch with friends who now have chosen to lead lives contrary to the beliefs that i share and that they were brought up with. and now they're totally different people.
Werd. I like to coexist though. So you and I are still cool :) Yeah I get a lot of people messaging me like they pretend to care... or people that add me but then never talk to me... and it's like why bother? Why do I make myself look like an idiot over and over again, posting on their pages asking "How are you?" when I never get a response back? I'm not going to waste my time anymore. I can move on.
Absolutely :) It's a simple concept really... I'm still a fan of real friends vs. fake/online friends... so many people get caught up in that nowadays haha. Ergh. How have you been lately, though?
ive been great. just trying to figure out the whole life thing one day at a time still. for the past couple years ive felt like im standing on the edge of a cliff about to fall off at any moment, but the decisions i make keep me right on that edge - alive.
that probably didnt make any sense. all the same, its left me with a simultaneous feeling of exhiliration and down right fear.
That's understandable. I'm teetering too right now, but hopefully it will come to an end sometime this afternoon. I'm praying a lot about it. It's nice when things stay interesting, but I appreciate a little bit of routine as well. I've been ok. I have made a decision about what career I want to persue. I hope to begin classes tonight, actually. Other than that, life is good... my husband and I got a new puppy (i'm sure you've seen) so we're a happy little family now. The economy scares me, but we'll work through it one way or another somehow.
only mine is making an effort to keep in touch with friends who now have chosen to lead lives contrary to the beliefs that i share and that they were brought up with. and now they're totally different people.
sucks when friends arent really friends.
that probably didnt make any sense. all the same, its left me with a simultaneous feeling of exhiliration and down right fear.
how have you been?
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