
Jun 20, 2004 16:50

hmmmmmm..happy daddy's day. =)
i ended up not going to bed until 4 this morning. blahhh. dad woke me up at like 8:20 cause i had to go to 9:30 mass. roar. it actually wasn't that bad cause we went to st. mary's and not st. john's. but man, st. mary's was so ...dead. like no one was there, and it was jus like not how it used to be. i grew up in that church. dad and i stopped goin when i was in 7th grade. the issue of going to church every sunday just faded away...then dad remarried. but yeah. it made me kinda sad being in st mary's, cause it reminded me of my childhood soo much. then i started thinking about ascension and i was so closed to just start crying. but i kept my cool. saw john bienvenue there. hm. weird. he's one of the guys from stm in our grade that i wouldn't consider a fag. just weird. haha no he's cool. really nice guy. yeah so, since it was father's day, we went to eat at charlie g's. we parked right next to mrs. patin, and mrs. donna and their dad. yeah how weird that im all sad about my childhood and i see my 3rd grade teacher. god i cannot believe she was my 3rd grade teacher. that was SO long ago.where did it all go? =\ yeah well we talked for like 5 minutes, then said bye and sat down at our tables. the kobetz family was there. dad is friends with their dad. michael kobetz..yeah wow another memory from ascension. haha. the infamous 8th grade guys. geezums. yeah well our waiter was gorgeous. he had the prettttiest gosh darn eyes. and very nice lips. =D heh. his name was damion. yah well everytime he'd come to our table i'd jus stare at his eyes. haha i couldn't stop smiling at him. he was so cute iosjhgfviodghiprd!! gosh dernet guys get me so giddy sometimes. hehehe. yeah the food was good then we came home and i did nothing but took some gay pics of me haha. i thnk im guna put them in here if i can figure it out.

gah im so sleepie. and bored. i really wanna sleep out tonite. im so tired of being home. i really wanna see my mom. poooo. im just spending my summer here the exact same way i did in california. this is bull shit. i want to be there so bad. i still would love to move there. but i have to have a homosexual family. fuck it.

i guess i'll go and have no life some more. later kiddos.

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