Disclaimers: Not mine. Disturbing Subject Matter. Spoilers through end of Season 2.
Characters: Dick Casablancas and Logan Echolls.
Rating: R for language.
For a lyrical fic challenge. The lyrics are... not important, as they were only vague inspiration, anyways.
"International affairs isn't about having sex with exchange students," Logan said. "So why are you signing up for it?"
"Yeah, right, I knew that," Dick replied. "If it was, I'd totally have an automatic A, that's all I'm saying. Remember that little Japanese chick from our Sophmore year? Man, she was--"
"As much as I really would love to hear your old sex stories, I'm going to have to pass this time," Logan said. "Let's just change the subject now."
"So, what should we talk about?" Dick asked.
"How about anything other than a chick you banged?"
A pause.
"So, how about the time you told Beav he should go out and play Little League?" Dick asked.
"What the fuck, dude," Logan said. "You can't be serious--"
"You said anything else. And I remember you saying that."
"Dick, you think I had any--"
"Oh, please, if I thought you knew my little bro was going to be a psycho, I'd have kicked your ass by now."
"All I knew is that he had a good arm, and maybe he'd make some friends so he could stop hanging around you all the time. I am so not taking any sort of guilt or blame for this," Logan said.
"Good arm, huh? Like for what, jerking off Mayor Woody's--"
"We are not talking about this. I'd rather hear about you fucking the Korean girl from Sophmore year," Logan interrupted.
"Oh, did I hit a touchy subject about my dead, murderous and molested little bro?" Dick asked.
"You know what? Fuck this," Logan said. He stood up and gestured for Dick to 'bring it'. "You want to hit me for this? Fine. Hive my your best shot."
Dick stood up as well, thought for a second, then reeled back and popped Logan with a fist right to the mouth.
Logan rubbed his jaw and shook his head. "There. Feel any better, asshole?"
Dick was smiling. "Dude, that was kinda hot."
Logan raised an eyebrow. "You are seriously damaged."
Dick shrugged. "Yeah, whatever. You wanna go rent some porn and get a pizza?"
Logan blinked a few times, then rubbed his forehead.
"Fine. But I'm driving."
[comments are love]