Untitled. Evil Trio fic. PG-13 for suggestiveness? Maybe?
Written for
bellatemple, on a prompt of her devising.
"...Ursula?" Warren said, blinking in disbelief.
"What, we're not all--" Andrew started.
"That's just weird," Jonathan interrupted. "I mean, if you'd said Ariel, that's one thing, but... Ursula?"
"Seriously, Andrew?" Warren said. "I'm kind of worried for you. At least when it comes to cartoon crushes, shortstuff over there has the decency to name someone totally human. Even if as a cartoon, April O'Neill is still completely out of his league."
"Hey, no fair," Jonathan said.
"Yeah, you've not even said yours," Andrew said. "No fair judging if you're not sharing."
"Please, boys, I'm a Jessica Rabbit kind of guy," Warren said. "All the way. Because I don't like my women to be half octopus.""
"...some of us like tentacles," Andrew said under his breath.
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