I love the snow!
I made two trips to the mailbox in hopes that the mail would go today ... but it didn't. That actually stinks because I was mailing out four Christmas-related things, and I really want them to get there somewhere around Christmas. One is going to Denmark, so I doubt it will be there in time anyway, but still.
The snow was so deep! My legs got all wet. I really need some snow boots. My Columbia hikers are really nice, but aren't made for snow. We were not prepared for this snow. We have no shovel.
We have no ice melt. We have no snow boots. The landlord sure isn't going to come and clean it up, though it would be fun seeing them try to pull in on Monday if we don't leave or clean it up or anything.
I wrapped some more presents and made banana bread. I talked to Mom and Amy, sent some emails, and made some student-related phone calls. Jonny and I watched two episodes of "24" and I played Twilight Princess. Just got the the sky world. Pretty good day.
I hardly teach at all until I get back from Rome. Oh, man. I'm so excited! What a blessing!
Last night we did a white elephant gift exchange with care group ... I got one of the best presents of all; a puzzle! I love puzzles! We had a really good time; it's a great way to end a long day of teaching.
I had a cooking disaster. I wanted to make roasted pears. The recipe called for balsamic vinegar. I only had distilled white so I thought "vinegar is vinegar" and used that. TERRIBLE idea. The dish smelled and tasted like vinegar. Who would have thought? Due to rushing around and other things, I didn't realize the disaster until we were at the hosts' house. Whatever. I like all of this learning!
I'm making Dad a scarf for Christmas. Will I finish it in time? Will he even wear it? Don't know. But I'll put in the effort all the same!