...of the internet. Whenever I get a friggin chance.
I woke up an hour early twice this week to go get some breakfast and some internet before work. I work on things for
Mind Sprocket, or do some job searching, or some Facebooking (though hardly any of that lately).
Speaking of Mind Sprocket. I'm fired up! The site looks different now, so you should check it out if it's been awhile. There's a new layout and it just looks much cleaner overall.
And there's a blog coming to the Back Page in a couple of weeks (Lord willing!)
Aaaaaaand submissions are rolling in. Like sea billows roll, if you know what I mean. Huge submissions, good submissions, strange submissions, morbid submissions...it's great. I'm loving it.
And today I got an idea for a new article. I even started working on it during my lunch break...it's a good thing I had my computer with me today, or else I would have had to have written it out really scratchy and messy-like. Cool, yes, but not as convenient.
Tonight Jonny is coming over. I think there will be some ice cream involved. Maybe some Jack Bauer too. Sounds like the makings of a really good evening!
In music news, I have two gigs coming up... high school musical (that is kicking my butt) in late Feb/early March and a wedding in April.
There are also two
BCAS rehearsals per week right now! Woa!
We are singing "Old McDonald had a Farm" in Latin. I can't help but tell everyone this.
I am in the mood, really in the mood to play lots of music and read style manuals. It's kind of weird. Like during parts of college I was in this kind of mood. I might go to Barnes & Noble tomorrow and finally buy Strunk & Whites The Elements of Style. It's only the writer's most important book ever and I have yet to own it. It's only like 10 bucks anyhow.
I'm really full of French fries and turkey club sandwich. I gotta get moving.