i've been meaning to write for such a long time now, but as my usual excuse goes, well, i've been busy. the first half of the year just seemed to have gone like the wind (go figure why i chose this multiply handle). anyways, here's what i've been up to:
OH YES we've finally (bryan and i) launched our online store at
cevadesigns.multiply.com ...YEYYYYYY!!! we spent about two weeks trying to agree on the look and refresh our memory on web programming haha! mind you, bryan single-handedly coded our
ORDER FORM, but there's only one way for you to test it! HA! send us a real order!!! :P i hope you guys like our first batch of designs too as much as we had tons of fun making them... :)
which brings me to why i chose the title of this post...
not a lot of you know that we've spent the past couple of months doing research for this business-- that entails going to bookstores and more often than not, spending a few hours or so at fully booked sitting on the floor and just going through the design and even architecture books to feed our imagination. and i just love every minute of it. i love the fact that im in a seemingly boring place doing something really interesting for us both. i love browsing through all those pictures wishing i was good enough to make something like that. i love learning and rediscovering my love for art. and i love that i share the same with bryan. not a lot of couples share such things i guess. so i am pretty lucky. and i dunno but for once, and other than with dance, i can say that i found something i love working so hard for because it means something to me. and guess what, CEVA literally means something in another language. :P