Apr 05, 2005 20:47
So I haven't updated in like 5 years, but that just beacuse my life was really really boring at that time,I mean its still broing but whatever man. ha.
I don't know what the deal has been lately, I've had a lot of mixed emotions about everything, softball, life,school, and everything. But like I have absolutly no care in the world at softball, I figure thats manily because maybe if coach put and ounce of fucking care into coaching us and wanting us to win maybe I would be happyier. Seriously I really just want to quit somedays and just tell coach to fucking get a life and learn how to fucking coach. Life just sucks right now, I've just been thinking about change and how much people have changed and how I have changed, and I've just been pretty tired of the same old shit, I need a new "chapter" you could say in my life. School has just been sad becuase allie hasn't been in school and she's like the one and only person that i walk with to class, and for the pass week I have been all alone, but its all good she will be back tommorw.
but thats enough complaining for one day.Sorry.