Really, it will be. You've been warned. OK, maybe not EVER, but I've been too busy and tired to really keep up with this lately and I'm only not posting in bullet form because I just can't allow myself to be quite that lazy.
The new job is fab so far. I am amazed by now welcoming everyone has been. It is a huge contrast to where I left.
Friday night the most of the cool people from where I used to work (as in, not my boss) got together to do a little sendoff for me. It was really fun and I was surprised and touched by how many people came. Chris R also picked up a little Life is Good book and had everyone sign it for me, which was awesome. Laura picked the page that said, "It takes all kinds" and signed it with, "Ain't that the effin' truth."
On Saturday my Mom and I went to Dover to take Charlotte out for the day, since we weren't able to make it to her birthday party. We did lunch at Chili's, where she totally housed the molten chocolate cake, then went candlepin bowling and took a trip to the Children's Museum of New Hampshire. I haven't been bowling for all of 8 or 9 months and I SUCKED. She almost beat me, for crying out loud, and she's six. My mom was pretty impressive considering her last game was at least seven years ago.
In the car on the way home, she asked me, "Whose car is this?"
"Auntie and Uncle Larry's."
"You don't have a car. Because you walk and take the train."
"What if you go on vacation?"
"Well, then you can rent a car. You give someone money to borrow a car for a little while."
"But, what if you need to take a train, and you need a car to get to the train, but there's nowhere to park the car when you get there?"
"Well, then you might take a taxi. You pay the driver to take you somewhere."
"Would you take a taxi to Florida?"
This weekend I'm going to Saranac Lake with Tiff for Winter Carnival. If I don't freeze to death I'll tell you all about it.
In other news, deep conditioner is the greatest thing ever when you're too lazy to get a haircut right now.