Nov 05, 2008 10:54
I returned from the gym last night (second trip this week, go me!) and immediately glued myself to MSNBC and the internet. Tiff turned in early, as she wasn't feeling well, and I agreed to leave her a note so she'd know who won when she got up for work. We're in the habit of using our closet doors in the living room as a bulletin board of sorts- they're mirrored, so you can write on them with dry erase markers. I told her I'd leave her a big red sad face or a big blue happy face, depending on the outcome.
So of course once it was confirmed, I very happily busted out the blue marker. I also left her the results of the Massachusetts ballot questions (we're keeping the income tax, outlawing dog racing, and decriminalizing the possession of less than an ounce of marijuana) and made a special note that Obama had won Ohio. She spent a lot of time there in college and immediately after and was especially interested in how that state went.
Obviously I'm excited that Obama won, but what's even more exciting, in a way, is how many people voted and how excited and engaged people were in the election this time around. It felt like people really was like all those things people hoped for the last two times really happened this time (the youth vote, getting new voters out there in record numbers, etc.). People were participating in unprecedented numbers. It made me feel proud of us.
I remain disappointed, however, by the handful of states who voted to outlaw gay marriage or adoption for gay couples. We may have taken a big step forward by electing Obama, but apparently some people need a group to marginalize in order to feel comfortable. It's shameful.
McCain's concession speech and Obama's acceptance speech were both excellent. It was almost sad, seeing McCain returning to the rational, composed speaker he was before the campaign really got heated, and before he turned into an eye-rolling, face-pulling whiner. I'm interested to see what happens from here, all around.
And I can't help but say...I really hope we hear less and less about Sarah Palin, though I think I won't be getting my wish there.