Sep 25, 2006 22:37
line line line line linesentences sentencesI guess you could say that my life is taking a right turn right now. I've started on the path back to school. I'm only taking one class this semester, and I'm acing it thus far. I decided to quit my job because (among other reasons) I want to be able to take a full load next sememster. The only problem is that I kinda jumped the gun on putting my 2 weeks' notice in, and so, as a result, I'm currently jobless, but looking. I've had a couple possible hits, but thus for nothing has worked out (obviously).
Nicole and I spent the last few days house/dog-sitting for a friend of ours on Grosse Ile. It was fun, but the island is too dark and rural for my taste. That by itself isn't so bad, but seeing too many movies puts thoughts in my head, and i start thinking there's a murderer outside or something, lol. Tack on to that that I watched 3 or 4 CSI/Law & Order marathons this weekend, and the nights were pretty bad for me while i was awake. :) But obviously, no one tried to kill me, and I'm alright. The dogs have taken a shine to me as well, which is cute. It's annoying though, when you're trying to take a nap or something, and the dogs deside to show their affection.
Nicole and I are still doing very well together. We've hit the year and a half mark, and couldn't be happier. What can I say, I'm in love! :)
I had bowling tonight too, and I bowled the second best series that I've ever bowled, a 673. (238, 207, and a 228)
To sum it all up, money is tight right now, what with the lack of income, but I've got a great girlfriend and a great family, and the job will come, and school is going great too. So I'm happy. I'm also tired...good night.