Mar 12, 2008 06:28
I'm posting this from my phone, so I don't know if it's going to work.
It's 1:30 and I can't sleep. Again. I haven't had seven hours of sleep in... over a month now, I think. It's actually not as bad as I would have thought. Though occasionally I feel myself nodding off at work, and tonight I realised I was half asleep while playing Rock Band. But hey, I can five star a song on medium on the drums while half asleep! I've been trying to play for at least an hour every night, and I can honestly see an improvement. I used to barely be able to make it through Wave of Mutilation on medium, but I tried it tonight and hit 100% of the notes. Once I can start five staring most of the songs on hard, I'm going to see about trying out my brother's real drum set and see how different it is.
I've been reading Just a Geek by my hero and good friend (though he doesn't know it) Wil Wheaton. I've found out a few things. First, up until he got rid of Prove to Everyone that Quitting Star Trek Wasn't a Mistake, Wil could be kind of a bitch. But he's all hawsome now. Also, he didn't start really writing until he was almost thirty (and Charlie Kaufman was even older than that). Now he makes enough money to support himself, his wife, and his kids mostly from his writing. I guess it's never too late to become a professional writer.
I'd like to try my hand at writing. I get these bursts of inspiration to create some sort of art, but I lack any real talent so it mostly goes to waste. There was a period in my senior year in high school where I would funnel those creative energies into making songs on my playstation using the MTV Music Generator. Those were fun, if simple. I sometimes wich I hadn't lost the memory card that had all the song files on it. There were a couple I was actually proud of. Currently I've been using that drive to write for a D&D game I've been running, though I've stalled out a bit. I know what I want to do next, but it's just story stuff and then a 'boss battle' type thing. I'm trying to find a way to fit a mini-boss fight in there to break up the 'talky parts' so the players don't get bored. Hopefully Matt and possibly Shane joining the group my give me the opening I need to get that fight in. Though having that many players may cause a whole new set of problems.
Okay, I'm actually feeling a little tired now, so I'm just going to try posting this and go to bed.