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Mar 03, 2010 16:02

 Well we are still knee deep in books and papers but progress is being made. Squirrel has indulged in a marathon sorting and shredding session (4 bin bags and counting) while I am moving unpacked books from a to b and trying to get the sitting room and our bedroom to a point where I can clean and hoover them.

The general aim is for me to be able to start costume making within the next 10 days, bearing in mind that there is also the Pesach Cleaning to do as . Once each room is cleaned I will be banning food to make this easier. Quite looking forward to Pesach this year as hoping to have guests now we have room.

Costuming plans are as follows:

  • 2 C15th Doublets - one early, one late
  • C15th short gown
  • 2 C15th prs stirruped hose - one joined, one split
  • 2 C15th shirts
  • 1 Fauconberg livery jerkin
  • 1 Fauconberg livery gown
  • 1 Tudor skirted jerkin
  • 2 pairs Tudor footed hose
  • 2 Tudor commoner's shirts
  • 1 Posh Tudor Shirt
  • 2 Tudor Doublets - one posh, one commoner
  • 1 Painter's apron
  • 1 pair sleeve guards
  • 2 C15th commoner's kirtles - one early, one late
  • 2 C15th overkirtle - one early, one late
  • 4 pairs short woollen
  • 2 pairs short linen hose
  • 2 C15th commoner's shifts
  • 1 mid C15th posh kirtle
  • 1 Tudor middle class petticoat with short sleeves
  • 1 Tudor posh petticoat sleeveless
  • 1 Tudor posh gown (silk velvet lined skirt and turnbacks)
  • 1 plain sleeved Tudor middle class gown
  • 2 plain fine Tudor shifts
  • 1 back silk velvet partlet
  • 1 pair brocade foresleeves with silk puffs and embroidered edge false cuffs
  • 1 Tudor shift with embroidered edge
  • 1 early French hood
  • Common boy's clothes for handling kit
  • Common girl's clothes for handling kit
  • Possible commission of two hand finished garments (quote sent, acceptance awaited)

Also want to do:
  • Warp box loom and weave several metres of black silk ribbon for garters, fastenings, etc (can't afford Gina B this year).

At least one set of the Mediaeval kit for both of us needs to be finished for Kenilworth which is Chol Hamoed Pesach (Easter for the non-Jews) as I can run a Pesadick kitchen. Plain Tudor stuff needs to be done by Kentwell Second Open Day (16 May) and rest of ours and handling kit for mid-June (start of Main Event) though there can still be hand finishing to do on the posh Tudor and Early Mediaeval (day and evening work respectively).

There is of course the inevitable mending to do and I need to check over the extant kit. Squirrel needs to be encouraged to check all the shoes, boots and bags and treat them all with hide food. Also need to go through kitchen kit and bedding.

I will also be offering to help London based Kentwellies who need costume help again.

tudor, kentwell, mediaeval, unpacking, pesach, costume

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